AP Computer Science Principles (AP CSP)



Semester Project Resources

Semester Project Schedule

*** Email a progress report each week to [email protected] ***

AP Text Book: AP Computer Science Principles

Java Text Book: Introduction to Programming with Java

Java Tutorial: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/tutorialLearningPaths.html

Current Assignment:

Read AP Text Book: pp. 166-178

NOTE: Java Text Book page 1 is page 35 of the PDF. In the assignments and labs, the page numbers are the actual book page numbers (not the PDF page numbers). To calculate the PDF page number, just add 34 to the actual book page number! AP Text Book is an electronic document without book page numbers, so the page numbers are always PDF page numbers for AP Text Book.


Week 14

Implement Rule 5.



Week 11

Implement Rule 4. Check to make sure that your computer player now blocks the opponent's fork(s) if necessary.



Week 7

Implement Rule 3. Check to make sure that your computer player now forks its opponent if possible.

TicTacToe_004.java (Fill in the blanks: BLANK_0 and BLANK_1.)


Weeks 4-5

Implement Rule 2. Check to make sure that your computer player now blocks its opponent's two-in-a-line. This is very similar to Rule 1. The code is almost identical, so you can copy the code from Rule 1 and make one small change to complete this implementation.

TicTacToe_003.java (Fill in the blank: BLANK_0)


Week 3

Beginning from TicTacToe_002.java , begin to implement a strategic algorithm in the computer_move2() method (that plays better than randomly). See the algorithm in the article linked to from the Semester Project Resources page. For this lab, implement Rule 1. Check to make sure that your computer player now wins when you fail to block its two-in-a-line.

TicTacToe_002.java (Implement rule 1 in the computer_move2() method.)


Week 2

If you haven't already, extend TicTacToe_001 to handle incorrect user input, and to check for a win or draw. Try to implement this check efficiently. Once that is working, write a method called computer_move, which returns a position where the computer player should move, based on the current board configuration. Use this method in the main game loop to implement a computer player.

TicTacToe_002.java (Fill in the blank: BLANK_0, to complete the win() method.)


Week 1

Complete the implementation of the min function (BLANK_0) in the Util class. Complete the implementation of sort1 (BLANK_1) in the Util class.


2023-2024 Spring

Week 4-6

Extend TicTacToe_002 to check for a win or draw. The program should also make sure the move is legal (Week 3) and announce the winner or a draw.

TicTacToe_002.java (Fill in the blank: BLANK_0, to complete the win() method.)


Week 3

Extend TicTacToe_001 to check for a valid move.


Week 2

Begin working on the tic-tac-toe game. Using the following sample code, write a program that accepts either a grid number (0-8) or a row (0-2) and column (0-2) from the keyboard, and then updates the board to place either an X (0) or an O (1) in the appropriate square. Then print the board to the console.


Week 1

1. Translate the following algorithm from AP CSP style block-based pseudo-code into a working Java program.

2. Translate the following algorithm from AP CSP style block-based pseudo-code into a working Java program that contains an equivalent logical error. Then fix the error.

3.Translate the following algorithm from AP CSP style block-based pseudo-code into a syntactically correct Java program that contains the equivalent run-time error. Then fix the error.

1. Copy the installation file from my USB drive to your PC. Choose the one for your system architecture :

2. Create a projects/ folder. Inside projects/ create a project folder called Hello/. Using a text editor (notepad.exe on Windows, or TextEdit on Mac), create a new plain text file called Hello.java containing the example soure code that was presented in class and sent to the group. :

3. Using the command line interface (e.g. cmd.exe on Windows), use javac to compile projects/Hello/Hello.java , which will generate projects/Hello/Hello.class. (As we discussed in class, the details of this step depend on whether you use a .zip or .tar.gz archive or one of the automatic installers. In this example, the .zip archive has been extracted and the javac and java commands in the bin/ directory are being accessed using their absolute path names.):

4. Now run your program using the java command :

Alternatively, install an IDE, such as IntelliJ or Eclipse, and use that to create, compile/build, and run your program.


Week 4

Read AP Text Book: pp. 166-178

Week 3

Read AP Text Book: pp. 166-178

Week 2

Read AP Text Book: pp. 166-178

Week 1

Read AP Text Book: pp. 166-178